Susie Syke Clinic


The Susie Syke Clinic provides life-saving medical and dental care to the people of El Crucero, Nicaragua. The clinic is open to men, women and children and serves El Crucero, and the neighboring villages.

Due to extreme poverty and challenging day-to-day living conditions, common health conditions treated include:

  • Malnutrition
  • Respiratory issues
  • Pre-and-post natal health
  • Dental extractions
  • Dental cleaning
  • Dental fillings

Both medical and dental care is provided at no-charge on a weekly basis.

  • Medical treatments to date: 15,360
  • Dental treatments to date: 3,420
  • Hot Meals Served to Children: 16,465
  • Food Baskets Delivered: 465

Mobile Clinics:
Recognizing that many people do not have the means to access the clinic due to sickness or lack of transportation, Project El Crucero recently started to serve those in need via mobile clinics. Mobile clinics are stocked with medications and supplies necessary to care for basic medical treatments and are facilitated my volunteer medical professionals from the United States. Patients in need of additional medical care are referred to the Susie Syke Clinic or to the government hospital for further treatment.